Wednesday, February 3, 2010 | By: KarmaGirl

Continuation of the Status Quo?

So today's Tarot reads:

"Death ReversedTransformation held back or delayed. Inability to let go of something or someone. Change averted. A continuation of the status quo. Old energy keeps things stagnant for a while longer. Relationship or job remains unchanged. Stuck. Desire to keep things the way they are at cost of new possibilities. Intimidated by future influences. Timidity. Not the time to trust your own feelings. Something else will be revealed. Wait for it."

If I was a true horoscope, tarot, 1-800 psychic hotline believer I would probably base the rest of my day on this cryptic message....but I'm not. Oh no...I'm level headed and optimistic. But you still have to wonder why I have a scrolling tarot reader on my facebook page to remind me of my cosmic intertwinings each day. Because apparently I need a daily computer generated "this is your fate" slap in the face. But seriously, it's all in fun but you have to sometimes wonder why some days it just seems so on point.

So this is how I am taking today's message. I am a true believer that we are our own creators. No not the big picture sort of creator (that's way bigger than us) but our daily script. We are the writers. Do you ever wonder how some people seem to have "all the luck" and others just seem to attract all of the bad luck those "lucky" ones deferred? My belief and my experiences allow me to understand these phenomenons. We are constantly surrounded by and creating energy. Energy that will ultimately manifest itself. So we must choose, by our thoughts and words, how that energy will be manifested. It's amazing how by simply shifting the course of our thoughts, allowing yourself to feel that shift, changes can take place almost instantly. It's so simple actually that our pessimism becomes instantly stimulated and knocks at our door. And how often are we answering?

I am going to take my computer generated message and take it as a wake up call actually. In actuality it is pretty accurate today. I am stuck in "status quo" lately. I can see changes on the horizon but I am having a hard time feeling it. I am in fact writing my script with stagnant energy. I have completley mistrusted my own feelings lately and let me tell you....I am allowing for some really unwanted manifestations to take place. Well I am truly ready for great things to happen. Or should I say continue to happen as they are already in progress, I just need to answer a different door and accept the offerings.

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