Sunday, April 4, 2010 | By: KarmaGirl

What to do on a rainy day

Rain rain go awaaaaaaaayWhat to do on a rainy day. Rainy days are often given to us as a hall pass to do nothing. Staying in your pajamas all day has never been so excepted than on rainy days. Grazing on comfort foods until you are so full you need to take a nap is a little luxury given to us only on rainy days. Renting movies that you refused to pay $10.00 for in the theater are usually first on the list. And hey, where do you think all of those crafty moms out there first discovered there talents. You guessed it....on a rainy day.

So what to do on a rainy day. I am reading books to my 3 year old. I am watching her dance around in her favorite princess nightgown (that by the way...has seen better days). I am watching her tuck in almost every stuffed animal she has into blankets and lay them all over the house, because they are not exempt from rainy day luxuries either. I am contemplating if I want to bake cupcakes that I so desperately want but so desperately DON'T need. I am finding comfort and peace in vacumming every nook and cranny in the house because, well thats what I do on rainy days.

What to do on a rainy day!


Tree said...

I love rainy days too....especially the sleeping part. LOL And I REALLY hate to get up to go to work on those days...much rather be home napping, reading, and having my most favorite snacks!

Yolie said...

Okay, so I'm one of those crafty moms who enjoys a rainy day. :)

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