Friday, January 8, 2010 | By: KarmaGirl

I Finally Hit the RESET Button

Man.......was 2009 rediculous or what?!!! I can remember vividly turning the 2008 corner and thinking "WHOA...2009 will have to better". But I missed one crutial step in the process.........

Why is it that every New Year you would think that we all swallowed a placebo pill. We beleive that everything is just going to magically "change"....we are going to look better, feel better, that money tree we planted years ago is finally going to thrust from the soil and shake its offerings into our banks accounts. There seems to be an imaginary RESET button that we subconsciously hit on January 1st. sugar free red bull must not have manifested my wings yet the morning of January 01, 2009 when I reached over to hit RESET - I HIT REPLAY!!!! WHAT???? ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? REALLY!

And there are no do-overs only deal-with-it's!

So I had a plan this year. I enrolled myself in the "change of mindset" bootcamp around 3rd quarter of 2009 (and you know how boot camp feels.....its sucks), I started my visualization techniques (for a while there I wasn't sure if I was on track or just hellucinating) and I stocked up my catastrophe cabinet. There was no way in HECK that I was going to miss my RESET Button Pushing debut come 01/01/10. Are you kidding me? not only is it a new year...its a new decade people...I'm getting with the program. I AM going to look better...I AM going to feel better and lord knows I do not have a green thumb (I've been known to kill silk plants even)...but I'll be darned if that money tree I planted decides not to bless us with its fruit.

So I am pleased to announce that after all that was endured I have learned my lesson and not only did I hit the RESET button....I whacked the Hell out of it!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010 | By: KarmaGirl

I could really use a cupcake.....

So I never make New Years Resolutions. There like rules that you know will be broken at least 3-4 months into a new year. Now that doesn't mean I don't have mantra's that I am constantly torturing myself with daily...little mind missiles reminding me that something needs to get done. Each year tends to play rollover....if i didn't get to one task the year before it just banks itself for the next. Needless to say, my mantra bank is it's own 401k. I should have plenty to do t his year to keep me busy right?!
Well let's see.....I need to quit biting my nails, write more and worry less, learn how to actually have patience and quit faking it, continue to research EVERYTHING but not to the level of obsession, decide if I want to be a blonde or a brunette (thats a rollover for sure), finally take my state test for my RE License but not fall into the trap of selling, oh.....and the preverbial LOSE WEIGHT. There I said it outloud (technically) so that means it has to be done. would be great to file that one away...mark it Complete....and get busy on my other mantra's.
So, here we's to not eating the kids leftovers, steering clear of all of the offerings that the office kitchen has to offer, and of course not find, create or even makeup reasons to bake scrumptious goodies with the excuse "but the kids will be home this weekend".
Did I mention...I could really use a cupcake right now?!