I call her the dating Ninja. The Obie One Canobie for all single girls. Her one jedi mind trick could have taken down the entire Sex and the City empire if she had revealed her secrets only a couple of years sooner. If she were around and single at the same time I was she would have changed my whole single life as I knew it. Now....for the sake of the many hearts that may have already been broken and the many minds still yet to be played, I will not reveal the real name of this Femme Fatale at large. But lets just say she has a small following of single females that are stealth enough to taint the single males world without them them even knowing what hit them.
The story begins in a wine bar in where me and 2 other of my lovely lady friends K and T decided to catch up on the happenings since our D.R. Horton days. Our trio consisted of one being happily married, one being recently introduced to the divorced/single-mommy world and one being...oh lets just say my once "partner-in-crime-still-living-the-single-life" gal pal. We discussed everything from "remember when....?" to "That one still had a girlfriend when I was dating him" to "When in the world did we become cougars" and everything in between.
I passed around the joys of marrying a co-worker; there were the 2 bottles of Silver Oak that "sealed the deal", romps on the hood of the Vette, only 89 days until co-habitation and 11 months we welcomed our little bundle of joy. That montage covered only the first year. Then there was T who has only recently found herself thrown into the joys of single-hood after years in less than blissful marriage, raising two beautiful boys and starting her own business. She had a story to tell. One that would be all to understood in this group of girls. She....in her late 30's gulping down the word "cougar" was dating...well thats the PG-13 term for it...a younger guy. Oh how that had a familiarity to us all that was more than bittersweet. See dating a younger guy has its pros; we technically have the upper hand because we see their games before they are played (remember we wrote that book in OUR 20's), we have the ability to mold their minds like playdoh..oh..and those 20 something girls have nothing on what we can do in bed. But on the flip side, these are boys we are dealing with. We must navigate their immaturity and their constant Shutes and Ladders mentality. We must always be on the defense, waiting for their next attack because we all know the playing field is ever changing. So this rico-suave seems to be the poster child for this topic. Clearly there was a magnetic appeal that he had to T and what was being offered on the menu looked pretty appealing. But there would be strings attached even when the words "no strings attached" were spoken. This guy clearly wanted her and a little bit of vice-versa. But the inevitable was about to happen. He would start playing his games and she would get a little tangled in them. So enters K........
She has some advise that would rock this whole topic, turn this whole game upside down. She was about to share the most simplest, gotta-beleive-it-to-see-it, fail proof strategy that was passed down from Sensei herself. SO here goes;
K to T (sharing what she has learned and even successfully executed) " SO text "him" the following - "On my way...keep your pants on until i get there"............ hit SEND!
Now we wait to see how long it takes this guy with his man-brain-assisting-response to.......well..respond. Now mind you, this guy, as with most, "picks and chooses" when he wants to respond to her on the more regular basis. So get this....before the phone hits the table....message still in virtual que...the response comes in.
His response: "Was this meant for me?"
Now we wait the excruciating 5-8 minutes for a reposne (I say excruciating for him really..his man brain is awake now).
T's response: "LOL.....thats wht I get for drving and textng" (oh and mistype a few words for authenticity).
Try it...see what happens and report back to me! Simple...Effective!
Trust me..he did respond after that and the secret...DON'T RESPOND TO HIM! The mind missle has been detinated..seed had been planted. He now thinks he no longer holds the upper hand.....I mean...He's not the only guy you are thinking about right?! Now it's his turn to spend his days wondering what YOU are doing. and really...does it matter what we are doing? We're girls...We've got game......We've got your number.